Holy books teach ways of holiness. One such blissful book is the “When The Moon split: A biography of Prophet Muhammed” by Saifur Rahman Mubarakpuri .There are several shreds of evidence supporting Muhammad’s prophecy. To list and adequately discuss them, many volumes have been written. First, his honorable character traits, strong values, and impressive biography. Although the environment in which he lived was one of ignorance, he was well regarded before being a Prophet as a truthful and honest individual. The most significant indication of his prophecy may have been this. He had no history of deceiving others.
Second, the blessings and victories Allah bestowed upon him, the propagation of the faith he taught, and the swift victory of this faith over all earlier faiths. Allah would have disgraced and destroyed him if he had been a liar, just as He did with someone who had falsely claimed to be Prophet before him. Third, the marvels Allah performed for him as proof went beyond what humans are capable of and the realm of natural events. For those interested in learning more about the moon splitting miracle, which has been corroborated in all of the biographies of the Prophet, this book discusses and details the miracle in great depth.
The author explains in the preface that he was instructed to create an authentic biography because earlier biographies contained information that was against Islamic doctrine. The publisher hopes that the non-Muslim readers will gain a true understanding of Islam because they have frequently been misled by the misleading claims made by foreign sources that are hostile to Islam. The translators emphasize the difficulty of dealing with three languages: English, Arabic, and Urdu, which is the language in which the novel is set. They point out that the writer has not attempted to make the book politically correct or apologetic and that it is built on the most trustworthy sources.
The book opens by describing the lineage of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Muhammad (pbuh) was the son of Abdul Mutallib, Abdullah, Hashim, Qussay, Prophet Ismael, and Kilab. He was also the son of Hashim. He hailed the Qurayshite tribe. Soon after Amina got pregnant with Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his father (Abdullah) passed away. His grandmother (Abdul Mutallib) adopted him when he was six years of age after his mother’s passing away. When Muhammad (pbuh) was eight years old, Abdul Mutallib passed away, and Abu Talib took custody of Muhammad.
Name | When the Moon Split: A biography of Prophet Muhammad |
Author | Saifur Rahman Mubarakpuri |
Publisher | Darussalam |
Pages | 320 |
Language | English |
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When the Moon Split: A biography of Prophet Muhammad by Saifur Rahman Mubarakpuri Pdf Download
Muhammad (pbuh) earned a livelihood by caring for goats in Makkah for a pittance. He was known for being trustworthy, which earned him the nickname “Al-Ameen” (the trustworthy). Prophet Muhammad had his first revelation at the age of forty while sitting in the Hira cave.
Muhammad (pbuh) encountered scorn, derision, and downright hostility from the Quraysh at the start of his prophethood. The Muslims were not permitted to perform their prayers or practice their faith openly until Hamzah bin Abdul Mutallib and Umar bin Al-Khattab embraced Islam. Prophet Muhammad found safety from his uncle Abu Talib throughout the Quraysh persecution, who pledged to always be his nephew’s protector.
A year of grief for the Prophet (pbuh) began with the deaths of his wife Khadeejah and uncle Abu Talib. His two staunchest defenders were them. The Prophet (pbuh) did not remarry till after Khadeejah’s passing. After a year, he wed Aisha R.A, and then Saudah bint Zam’a. The Prophet’s most adored wife and the best female scholar in Islam were Aisha R.A. His Ascension (Mi’raaj) and Night Journey (Israa) were the Prophet’s two most important and memorable experiences. Allah then led Muhammad (pbuh) from the Ka’abah to Bait Al-Maqdis (Solomon’s Tempe in Jerusalem). He directed them in prayer after finding all the former Prophets gathered there. Muhammad (pbuh) met several earlier Prophets who all attested to the fact that he was the Prophet of Allah while being transported to various levels of heaven after his ascension. The five daily prayers for Muslims were established by Allah during this occasion.
The Muslims in Makkah started to move to Yathrib after the Prophet’s journey for several years (now named Madinah). Along with Abu Bakr Siddeeq, Muhammad (pbuh) moved to Yathrib by Allah’s command (his closest companion).
The Hijrah migration—also known as the Hijrah—became the inspiration for the Hijrah calendar, which Muslims all over the world follow. (A.H. stands for after Hijrah.) Muhammad (pbuh) was thought to have died from his injuries in the Battle of Uhud. Mus’ab, a Muslim leader who resembled the Prophet, was murdered by the opposition (pbuh). Some Muslims lost all motivation as a result, and they decided to give up the fight.
When the Moon Split: A biography of Prophet Muhammad Full Book Pdf Download by Saifur Rahman Mubarakpuri
The Prophet (pbuh) wrote to kings and monarchs in numerous countries, including Abyssinia, Bahrain, Basra, Egypt, Persia, Rome, Oman, and Yamamah to extend invitations to Islam after the Hudaybia Treaty was signed. Others obstinately rejected, but others of them graciously accepted. The Jews plotted to assassinate the Prophet (pbuh) once there was peace after war, but he was fortunate to have discovered and thrown out the poison which was fed to him. The purpose of this, according to them, was to determine whether or not he was a true prophet.
The Prophet was summoned to undertake his final pilgrimage to Makkah in the year 10 A.H. as a way for Allah to demonstrate the success of his mission. Following his Hajj and Umrah, Muhammad (pbuh) travelled from Madinah to Makkah. Allah then gave the scripture about perfecting Islam as a religion (Q5:V3). Infirmity struck the Prophet (pbuh). With every one of his wives first, and then with ‘Aishah R.A., he spent his final days. As he said his people farewell, he gave them life advice on how to lead fulfilling lives. As a final farewell, he also summoned his family members. The book is equally readable by beginners, people confused about Islam or Islam scholars.